Area FiftyLAN 2023

12 Mai 2023



AreaFiftyLAN is the annual gaming event held at the TU Delft: a LAN-party organised by the study association of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science & Engineering, W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens‘, in cooperation with X (former Unit Sports & Culture, TU Delft).

On May 12th, 13th and 14th, roughly 200 gamers will all come together at X to spend the weekend having a blast playing games together. All students are welcome to bring their computers to play their favourite games and potentially win cool prizes through the official tournaments. Besides the tournaments, there are plenty of possibilities for the more casual gamers as well. In the launCH area you can hang out and play other games, such as board games, ping-pong, foosball and pool.

Buying a ticket will get you the following perks:

  • Admission to the event from Friday evening until Sunday evening
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday
  • Breakfast and lunch on Sunday
  • Admission to the LAUNCH Area for offline fun
  • A personal desk (dimensions around 100×80 cm) for your PC
  • A comfy chair to sit on
  • The opportunity to participate in official tournaments with prize pools
  • The opportunity to participate in all unofficial tournaments hosted by guests at the event

* CH members/alumni will get a discount

Gefördert durch:

Beginn der Veranstaltung:

12 Mai 2023

Stopp der Veranstaltung:

14 Mai 2023
X - TU Delft
Mekelweg 8, Delft
Telefon: 015-278 2532
Teilnehmer: 230
Ticketpreis(e): 20 - 42.50 EUR
Turniere: CSGO - LOL - RL - Valorant - Smash Bros - Trackmania - Team UHC - MC - CIV6 - Boulderdash
Themenbezogen: No
Internet-Geschwindigkeit: TBA
Kostenloses Wifi verfügbar: No
Helpdesk: No
Bar verfügbar: Yes
Catering verfügbar: Yes
Frühstück verfügbar: Yes
Preise zu gewinnen: Yes
Geldpreise zu gewinnen: No
Fun-Turniere: Yes
Andere Animation: Yes
Konsolen-Ecke: Yes
Parkplatz verfügbar: Yes
Schlafraum: Yes
Duschen vorhanden: Yes
Raucherbereich: No
Mehrere Monitore erlaubt: No
Lautsprecher erlaubt: No


Posted by: DrWeB
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